QQOMPASS - Potential Project

What is QQOMPASS ?

Qompass is an advanced, new generation, crypto investment platform that

supports trading, Financing and Peer-To-Peer (P2P) exchange in the crypto

economy. Built on its own Qompass Blockchain, it is designed from the base

to offer phenomenal speeds of over 30,000 TPS (Transactions per Seconds)


Qompass flourishes to provide solutions to the hitches commonly faced by the earlier generations of the Blockchain. It offers a platform that helps in creating bridges that connects the world together. The importance of digital currencies is growing in our world today. So Qompass platform is offering the latest cryptocurrency generation fanatics and average investors an unlimited access to funding pools that utilize the global financial network for whom working their way towards incorporating this innovative and revolutionary monetary exchange system. As the future of monetary exchanges Blockchain has been accepted as the first in their league by these financial systems or banks. Qompass offers leveraged funds added up to 100 times of the invested deposit. Also it gives liquidity pools as well as cross exchange trading with a single account.
Qompass is included with Qompass Trader technology. By offering subscribers the best of both worlds it moves further to the next level. Using Qompass payment cards, Qompass Traders are allowed to convert crypto holdings into fiat currency at any POS or ATM worldwide at any times. Connections with the financial market and the powerful interlinking of exchanges around the world has influenced for the success of the Qompass platform, and also the Qompass Blockchain.

Why is Qompass an advanced ?

Qompass is an advanced, new generation, crypto investment platform that

supports trading, Financing and Peer-To-Peer (P2P) exchange in the crypto

economy. Built on its own Qompass Blockchain, it is designed from the base

to offer phenomenal speeds of over 30,000 TPS (Transactions per Seconds)

 Why is Qompass an advanced ?

Qompass's goal is to facilitate financial transaction within a cross Blockchain

architecture that extends support by means of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and

Smart Contract implementation. Qompass through the employment of the

latest cryptocurrency Blockchain technology offers a comprehensive service

that allows trading, lending and exchanging of cryptocurrency into fiat, in

the most reliable and easy way.

Qompass is built to support the easy transformation of Financial markets

applications and Services from traditional means to blockchain technology.

At its core Qompass will provide a rich ecosystem of API protocols and

applications to drive financial and capital markets on a global scale


Qompass Mobile App

Qompass Card

Qompass Trader

Qompass Block Chain

MCA-Managed Crypto Accounts

Crypto earnings on Qompass platform can be cashedout with excessively high

limits. We pride our successful negotiations with 25 different financial institutions

situated across the world, 5 so far agreeing to be linked to our platform and buying

large amounts of major crypto Currencies As a subscriber of Qompass, you will be

able to request for a pay-out, and banks can cash out your assets and send the fiat

directly to any bank of your choice across the globe. Subscribers have the

opportunity to look into the order flow of major institutions to determine the best rates 


 Qompass employs the same SMART neural network system that collects 

information from available data, past trends, market situations, crowd behavior and 

so on. Based on the received information, grounds are set on which investors and 

platform subscribers can take informed decision related to trading activities. This is 

exceptionally helpful in making leveraged ihttps://twitter.com/QompassMarkets

WEBSITE     https://qompass.io/
QOMPASS TEGRAMGROUPS https://t.me/Qompass
TWITTE    https://twitter.com/QompassMarkets

My username bitcointalk: quynhchivy

 My url bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1963909


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